Jason Grossman
"I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas.
I’m frightened of the old ones."
— John Cage
Dis my personal web site. At the moment it's mainly for photos.
Also, poems by J Eris, Kara Coryell and others.
You can see an out-of-date autobiography and an up-to-date one.
If you've come here looking for the wiki that used to live at xeny.net then you can still find everything that was there using one of these two pages:
But wait! There's more!
- contact information
- quotations
- book reviews
- recipes
- funny things
- half-baked theories
- some of my favourite programming languages
- politics
- papers with titles so good you can stop reading right there
- news from the Sombrero Galaxy
- what this site looked like 30 years ago
- fikkis
The contents of this site are copyright Jason Grossman except where otherwise noted (or otherwise obvious). The design is based on a design of Max Spuling's which is licenced CC BY-NC-SA, and therefore this design is too. The alpaca drawing is by Steph C.